We develop Advanced Design Solutions
Thanks to over a hundred years of history, today we are a family business, of people, international leader in HVAC, we are focused on excellence for our customers... Through a new Open Innovation approach, we develop «Advanced Design» solutions for the tertiary and residential sectors. That’s why we can offer technology, design, advanced services and high customization always aiming for excellence for our customers.
Our choice to adopt Advanced Design methodologies stems from the need to establish a mechanism for continuous innovation in a context of increasing complexity and rapid acceleration, where we need to combine different skills and sensitivities. If there is to be innovation, it must necessarily be "open" to different types of knowledge. We propose innovative solutions that truly meet the needs of our customers: Indoor Units, Chillers and Heat Pumps, in their many variations.
We can describe this approach by referring to some characterizing elements:
- Vision of the future: designing by imagining possible scenarios of the sector evolution, at the level of plant solutions, technology, products and services.
- Systemic approach: we prefer the "systemic" vision to the strictly "product" one and we keep as reference the concept of Circularity, for which the "waste" of a process becomes new raw material. As for us, we give top priority to solutions that can recover the "waste" heat of a part of the system making it "raw material", for another part of the system itself.
- Open innovation: the project as a moment of involvement of figures and knowledge from different disciplines (technological but also humanities) able to interact each other, to generate something original. We want the perimeter of the company to become increasingly permeable to external influences.
- Sustainability: the limitation of resources generates a new perspective from the early stages of product conception. One wonders about the various possible energy resources, their integrability. About how the product can reduce the overall impact of the system in which it will be inserted.

The people who form the basis of our success
Galletti has grown with a clear idea of the path it wanted to follow.
The three generations that have successively led the company overcame the difficulties arising over more than 100 years of history due to their ability to roll up their sleeves and start from scratch when it was necessary.
This same tenacity was shown by the hundreds of people in different sectors who have worked at the company with a high level of commitment from 1906 to today. This is the reason Galletti has always been recognized as a company made up of people who do not give up and who are committed.
The strategic decision to organize vertically and to keep in-house activities such as R&D, design, and production has made possible constant growth year after year, with the development of products that are highly competitive in terms of quality and performance.
Throughout its growth Galletti has always maintained strong ties with its area, in which it has continued to make considerable investments. Today, this Italian company has expanded its borders to become a leader in the comfort air conditioning market, even internationally.

The secret that has allowed the company to evolve is its continuous adaptation to the market's challenges.
Michele Galletti | Head of Commercial Division
Our evolution
The company had various experiences as a subcontractor up to the 1950s, the last of which was its exciting foray into the motorcycling world as a manufacturer of chassis.
These experiences allowed the company to acquire a considerable amount of expertise in working sheet metal, and this opened the door to an evolution in the way the company operated up until that time.
Thus in the 1960s Galletti entered the comfort air conditioning sector by launching a product under its own brand in a market that was just opening.
This is how the company began manufacturing hydronic indoor units, which still today represent one of the company’s most important business areas.
In subsequent decades the company continued to evolve and expanded its expertise even to the chiller and heat pump market; in this manner it created one of the most extensive comfort air conditioning catalogues.